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Share your story

Stories can help save lives. Whether it’s you or a loved one being rescued by RNLI lifesavers, or surviving because of the RNLI’s safety advice, your story can inspire people to support our lifesaving work and stay safe themselves.

At the RNLI, we like to share the experiences of real people who benefit from our services as it demonstrates the importance of our work. Your willingness to share your story could help save lives by inspiring others to stay safe around the water or by encouraging donations to fund our vital lifesaving work. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.

What will my story be used for?

We’ve listed some examples below to give you an idea of some possible ways your story could be used:

RNLI or RNLI partner’s internal communications, website, social media channels, leaflets, posters, newsletters, newspapers, magazines, television and radio.

Before using your story in any way, we would always contact you to discuss the use of any of the above channels to make sure you are happy with the way we would like to publish your story.

All fields are mandatory unless stated otherwise.

I consent to the RNLI contacting me for the purpose of discussing the possibility of sharing my personal story to help promote the charity and its work.

Privacy Notice

We will always store your personal details securely, and they will only be used by the RNLI, RNLI Shop and RNLI College. Your data may also be used for analysis purposes, to help us provide the best service possible. We will only allow information to be used by suppliers working on our behalf and we’ll only share it if required to do so by law. For full details see our Privacy Policy or contact our Supporter Experience Team on 0300 300 9918 (from the UK), 01 511 9837 (from Ireland) or +44 1202 663234 (from any other country).