Donate now
Group photo of RNLI lifesavers including lifeboat crew and a lifeguard

How your support helps

Your support powers our lifesaving service. You're helping to give RNLI volunteers everything they need as they strive to save every one.

As a charity independent of government, your generous support matters more than ever in meeting the costs of saving lives at sea. Our volunteer lifesavers give their time for free, but they need training, well-maintained equipment, lifeboats and shore facilities.

Your kindness saves lives. Every donation will keep our brave volunteers safe on the water and bring them home to their families when the job is done.

RNLI Welly filled with coins on the beach

Photo: RNLI / Nigel Millard

Where your money goes

Every donation helps the RNLI work towards our goal of saving every one. The kit, equipment, training and even the lifeboats themselves are only available thanks to support from people like you. Find out how a donation today will help save lives at sea.

9,312 lifeboat launches in 2022

23,204 people aided by lifeguards in 2022

93M+ views of our TV adverts

12,000+ children took part in swim safe

St Ives RNLI lifeboat crew throwing rope to fisherman in the water

Photo: Nigel Millard

St Ives Shannon class lifeboat Nora Strachura 13-11

The difference you make

We can’t save lives without your support. In 2022, our lifeboat crews helped an average of 45 people a day, while our lifeguards helped 23,204 people during their patrols. See more of the numbers behind the lifesaving that your donations made possible last year.

The crew at Harwich RNLI power to the rescue

Rescue stories

Every year, lifeboat crews and lifeguards go to the rescue of thousands of people. Read some of the stories behind the lives saved and see just how important your support is to the RNLI
How to rescue someone from drowning

Photo: RNLI/Mike Lavis

Drowning preventions

Anyone can drown. No one should. Our drowning prevention work is designed to stop people getting into danger and teach people what to do should they find themselves in trouble in the water. Your support helps spread that message further.

Lifeboat Crew Member Steve Tustin is standing in front of a blue roller door.

RNLI Mayday Appeal – make a lifesaving difference

You can be the difference between just in time and too late. Donate today to help our volunteers answer urgent calls.

Your support saves lives

St Ives RNLI lifeboat crew throwing rope to fisherman in the water
The difference you make
Thanks to the support of brilliant people like you, our lifeboat crews aided an average of 45 people a day in 2022. Our lifeguards aided 23,204 people.
How you helped
RNLI Welly filled with coins on the beach
Where your money goes
Giving our lifesavers everything they need and deserve - from boots to boats - is costly.
Find out more