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Float to live campaigner Simon Chrisp on the 200 Voices podcast
200 Voices an RNLI podcast

‘It was terrifying as a father to watch‘

Episode 177 – A Welcome Sight: Simon Chrisp

When Evan Chrisp was pulled out to sea by a rip current his father feared for his son’s life – but a simple, powerful message Evan had seen at the cinema helped save him.

It was every parent’s nightmare. Simon Chrisp had taken his son Evan and a group of his friends to the beach when disaster struck. Simon recalls the moment he realised Evan was in grave danger in the sea and recounts the turmoil he endured, fighting his instinct to jump in and try to rescue his son himself.

Unbeknownst to Simon, Evan had seen the RNLI’s Float to Live advert just days before. Simon talks about the phenomenal impact of the water safety campaign – and the pure relief he felt when the RNLI lifeboat returned Evan to shore.
