Terms and Conditions

Thank you for considering a donation in memory of your loved one. To find out how you can support the RNLI in other ways then please visit our Support us section.

  1. These terms and conditions:
    (a) are in addition and subject to the Terms and Conditions for visiting and using RNLI websites and;
    (b) incorporate the Launch a Memory 2024 FAQs. If any contradiction exists between the contents of these Terms and Conditions and the contents of the Launch a Memory Exmouth Lifeboat 2024 FAQs, then the contents of these Terms and Conditions shall take priority.

  2. These Terms and Conditions relate to the RNLI ‘Launch a Memory’ 2024 Exmouth Lifeboat campaign. Launch a Memory allows a supporter to include the name(s) of their loved one, either someone that passed away or living, (Names) on one of four signs containing RNLI letters and numbers sign (Decal(s)) which will be affixed to the hull and wheelhouse of a new Shannon class RNLI lifeboat (The Lifeboat). The naming is in recognition of the donation which can be submitted by supporters, including RNLI staff and volunteers (Supporters) in accordance with These terms and Conditions.

  3. The RNLI reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel or amend the Launch a Memory campaign and/or to amend any of these terms and conditions at any time by placing a notice on our Launch a Memory webpage.

  4. In the event of any dispute regarding these terms and conditions or any other aspect of Launch a Memory, the decision of RNLI shall be binding and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into. 

  5. These terms and conditions are governed by English Law and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Submission of Names

  1. Entries of Names will be accepted by RNLI from 09:00am on 5th April 2024 and will continue until the sooner of either:

    (a) 15,000 names are acquired or
    (b) 23:59pm on 5th April 2025.

  2. Entries of Names may be submitted by:
    (a) completing an online form;  
    (b) over the telephone by calling the RNLI Supporter Experience Team on 0300 300 9905 (UK), 01 511 9871 (Ireland) or +441202 336395 (any other country) from Monday-Friday 08:00-18:00; or
    (c) A cheque made payable to Royal National Lifeboat Institution setting out the donation amount;

    - On the back of the cheque, please clearly and legibly write ‘Launch a Memory Exmouth 2024’ and the Name of your loved one as you wish it to appear on a Decal of The Lifeboat
    - Please send the cheque to: Supporter Experience Team at RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ.

  3. All donations collected from Supporters in respect of the Launch a Memory campaign will go into the RNLI’s general funds, to help save lives at sea across the UK, Channel Islands and Ireland. Supporters will not be able to request for their donation to go towards a specific station, lifeboat (including The Lifeboat) or project. 

  4. If a cheque or money is received by the RNLI and we are unable to distinguish whether the intention of the sender is to participate in Launch a Memory or to make a donation to the RNLI, the cheque or money will be treated as a donation to the RNLI and will go into the RNLI’s general funds.

  5. Submissions of Names are welcome from all Supporters who are aged 18 or over. 

  6. There is a limit of 10 names per submission form but you can submit multiple submission forms. 

  7. Each Name entry must only contain one person’s name, for example “John Smith” or “Joan Smith”. Names may contain titles such as Captain, Dr, Lady, and may contain post-nominal letters (honours) such as RN, CBE, MD. Nicknames or informal versions of names may also be used, such as Freddie. The maximum number of characters per Name, including spaces and punctuation, is 35 characters.

  8. Supporters are responsible for checking the Name before submitting it to ensure that it is spelt correctly, contains the correct details and is submitted as they wish the Name to appear on a Decal of The Lifeboat. Subject to clause 12 and 14, the Name shall be used on the Decal as submitted without correction by RNLI. In the event of a Name being submitted incorrectly please contact [email protected] as soon as possible. RNLI cannot guarantee that a correction will be made to the submitted Name in these circumstances, but we will endeavour to do so. 

  9. All Names submitted must belong to real, identifiable, non-fictional individuals and must not contain any offensive or defamatory content nor be submitted for political, campaigning or any other reason which may cause reputational or other damage to the RNLI.

  10. The RNLI reserves the right to reject any Name, without notice to the Supporter who has submitted that Name and without reimbursement of their donation, if it believes the Name is fictitious, offensive, contains defamatory content or if it believes the Name has been submitted for political, campaigning or any other reason which may cause reputational or other damage to the RNLI.

  11. The RNLI cannot accept any responsibility for, and reserves the right to refuse, any entry of a Name which is incomplete, lost, damaged, failed to be submitted before the closing date or which for any other reason the RNLI decides is inappropriate.

  12. The RNLI shall not be responsible for any losses suffered by any person relating to a submitted Name not appearing on a Decal or appearing incorrectly on a Decal.

  13. Entries of a Name and/or donations made to the Launch a Memory campaign are not transferable to any other RNLI campaign. Donations made to other RNLI campaigns (including general In-Memory) are not transferable to the Launch a Memory campaign.

  14. In order to submit a Name for the Launch a Memory campaign, all Supporters must also provide their own name. Submissions of Names cannot be provided anonymously. 

  15. Names will appear on the Decals in an order arranged solely at the discretion of the RNLI. Once The Lifeboat is launched, Supporters will be able to search a digital version of the Decal for their submitted Name. Please see the Launch a Memory FAQs for details.

  16. The RNLI’s decision in respect of the final design, content and position on The Lifeboat of each Decal is final. The RNLI may also use images and/or replications of the Decal at its own and absolute discretion for marketing and social media purposes.

  17. A minimum of approximately 5,000 Names and a maximum of approximately 15,000 Names is required to complete the Decals. The RNLI has allocated a lifeboat to this campaign which is due to be stationed at multiple Lifeboat Stations, however this may be subject to change if the required number of Names have not been submitted in time to correspond with the build timetable of that lifeboat. Further details of The Lifeboat shall therefore be publicised once confirmed as set out in clause 23.

  18. Submission of a Name which is used in a Decal does not entitle that person to any rights to or title in The Lifeboat and/or the Decal.

  19. Entry of a Name will be deemed to constitute acceptance of these terms and conditions.

After submitting a Name

  1. The RNLI will contact each Supporter, using the contact details provided by them, to acknowledge receipt of their submitted Name and to thank them for their donation to the Launch a Memory Exmouth Lifeboat 2024 campaign.

  2. Supporters who have provided their email address to us when submitting their loved one’s name will be provided with a digital link from which they may download and print their own personalised certificate to commemorate adding their loved one’s name to The Lifeboat. We will aim to send this within 8 weeks of receiving your submitted name. 

  3. Confirmation of the chosen Lifeboat, updates of The Lifeboat’s progress, photographs and videos will be publicised from time to time. These shall be provided:
    (a) on the Launch a Memory website
    (b) by RNLI sending up to ten email communications to each Supporter (please read the Fair Processing Statement below for details) during the Launch a Memory campaign and annual updates thereafter for up to ten years if you have consented to this; and
    (c) in other places such as RNLI magazines, at RNLI’s discretion.

  4. Unfortunately, Supporters will not be invited to attend the bell ringing ceremony, naming ceremony, or the launch of The Lifeboat, However, if available, photographs and videos of these events will be shared as explained in clause 28 and we hope to hold an event for Supporters, or provide other opportunities for Supporters to see the Lifeboat.  Please see the Launch a Memory FAQs for details of how The Lifeboat may be visited by Supporters.

  5. The Lifeboat is expected to have an operational lifetime of 25 years and the Decals are expected to remain on The Lifeboat for a minimum of 10 years. Although it is intended for the Decals to remain on The Lifeboat during this time, a Decal may undergo wear and tear or damage. Whilst the RNLI expects to replace the Decal in such circumstances, it does not guarantee that it will do so and does not guarantee any length of time that The Lifeboat will remain operational. The RNLI has no obligation to contact Supporters in the event a Decal is removed or repaired or in the event that The Lifeboat undergoes any repairs, refits or is removed from operational service for any reason. 

  6. Please note, opportunities to visit the lifeboat are not guaranteed, and submitting a name/s to the lifeboat does not mean you automatically secure tickets to any future event. For any event that we may run in Poole, tickets are subject to availability, and available on a first come and first served basis. We reserve the right to put restrictions in place, and limits to ticket availability and quantities per supporter, at any time – and may change guidance on these restrictions at any time where necessary – to ensure the safe running of the event.

  7. Tickets are limited to seeing the lifeboat in Poole. While we'd love to have everyone come to Poole, this isn't possible due to many factors including not having the space at the RNLI College or All-weather Lifeboat Centre, the lifeboat is an operational asset.

  8. Tickets are limited to two per supporter.

  9. Tickets are available on a first come, first served basis.

Who We Are

  1. We are the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), a charity registered in England and Wales (209603), Scotland (SC037736), Republic of Ireland (CHY 2678 and 20003326), Bailiwick of Jersey (14), Isle of Man (1308 and 006329F), and Bailiwick of Guernsey and Alderney, of West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ. 

Fair Processing Statement

Personal details provided by completing the Launch a Memory online form, completing the letter response form or over the telephone by calling 0300 300 9905 (UK), 01 511 9871 (Ireland), +441202 336395 (from any other country) shall be processed by the RNLI for the purposes of:

(a) collecting entrants to the Launch a Memory campaign;
(b) contacting each entrant who has provided an email address by email to confirm that their entry of a Name for the Launch a Memory campaign has been received by the RNLI;
(c) providing a link to a Certificate of Thanks to each entrant who has ‘provided an email address by email within 8 weeks of submitting a Name; and
(d) keeping entrants updated with news of the Lifeboat prior to its launch via email every 8 – 10 weeks to each entrant who has provided an email address.

If you complete the form online, providing you with content that we believe may be of interest to you by post and phone in line with our legitimate interests, you can object to this processing for this purpose at any time by emailing [email protected].

This information will not be used for anything other than the purposes stated above. RNLI will retain the entries for the Launch a Memory campaign for the period of administering the campaign and completing the Decals.

After the launch of The Lifeboat, if you have explicitly consented to this, you will receive an email on the anniversary of the first launch and subsequent anniversaries of the launch of The Lifeboat to update you on the rescues that it has been involved with in that time. You can withdraw your consent to this mailing at any time by contacting [email protected] or by calling the Launch a Memory team on 0300 300 9905 (UK), 01 511 9871 (Ireland) or +441202 336395 (any other country). Monday-Friday 08:00-18:00;

For more information about the RNLI’s Privacy Policy and your rights please visit the RNLI’s website.

We do not undertake any automated decision making or profiling activities on the information that you provide us.

If you have any questions about the information contained in this Fair Processing Statement please contact [email protected]

If you have a concern with the way your data is processed by RNLI you have the right to lodge a complaint with a regulatory body for data protection.

These Terms and Fair Processing Statement were last updated on 13/10/2022.