Use our online tool to locate the precise location of your loved one's name on the letters and numbers of Wells' lifeboat.
Contact us at [email protected] if you require assistance.
Starting in January 2023, the Wells volunteer guides will be showing supporters around the lifeboat station on 50 minute tours. These are free but limited to 12 people at a time so must be booked in advance.
Over the weekend of 8th October 2022, our Wells all-weather Shannon class arrived bathed in sunlight to an emotional welcome from volunteers and the local Wells community after a week-long voyage from our All-weather Lifeboat Centre in Poole. It was a poignant day, as this special lifeboat carries the names of nearly 15,000 loved ones who will be celebrated and remembered every time the crew heads out to save lives at sea. Watch the video to see the arrival of the lifeboat.
On the 20th - 24th August 2022 we had the privilege of welcoming you to come to see the Wells lifeboat at the All-weather Lifeboat Centre in Poole. This was a very special event and we were honoured to meet many of you and hear the stories you shared of your loved ones.
For those unable to attend, we recorded a short video of the event which is available to watch now. Launch a Memory is a very special campaign, with extra special supporters and we look forward to your lifeboat arriving on station later this year.
The Wells’ lifeboat has been partly funded by the local community, by several legacies to the RNLI’s general funds as well as our corporate partner The Lifeboat Fund. Overall, the campaign raised an incredible £1,082,701.53 including gift aid!
We’ve developed a range of high-quality, affordable mementos that are available to purchase now, so that you can keep your loved one’s memory next to you, as well as on the lifeboat beside the Wells lifeboat crew when they launch to save lives at sea.
In recent years, around half the people rescued by the lifeboat crew at Wells were beach visitors cut off by the tide.
That’s why it’s so important that you know how to stay safe, which includes checking the weather forecast and tide times before you visit, and understanding the dangers of the tides – so you don’t get caught out.
Use our online tool to locate the precise location of your loved one's name on the letters and numbers of Wells' lifeboat.
Contact us at [email protected] if you require assistance.
Many people have shared heart-warming stories about why they chose to include the name of someone they miss on the lifeboat – as well as celebrating their or their loved one’s connection to the RNLI.