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Terms and conditions for fundraising in aid of the RNLI

The RNLI is very grateful to those who wish to fundraise in aid of the RNLI. To protect the RNLI’s good name and to protect those who support the RNLI, if you wish to raise money in aid of the RNLI you must agree to and comply with the following:

1. In these terms and conditions references to an activity includes all types of fundraising events and activities.

2. If you are organising an activity to raise money in aid of the RNLI you agree to:

2.1. Be responsible for all costs and expenses relating to the activity;

2.2. Be responsible for the safe conduct of the activity and take all steps necessary to protect the health and safety of activity participants and spectators, including carrying out all necessary risk assessments, providing all necessary safety equipment and the supervision of participants and spectators;

2.3. Obtain and maintain appropriate insurance for the activity, to cover, in particular, risk of injury or death to participants and spectators;

2.4. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations of any country in which the activity is to take place or be publicised, and obtain all necessary licences and consents, in relation to the conduct of the activity; and

2.5. Comply with the Fundraising Regulator’s Code of Fundraising Practice provisions and Charity Commission Guidelines for events and activities taking place in the UK. 

2.6 Comply with the Charities Institute Ireland Fundraising Codes of Good Practice and the Charities Regulator guidelines for events and activities taking place in the Republic of Ireland.  

3. In relation to events organised by the RNLI:

3.1. To secure your place you must pay the registration fee by the date specified unless the event us free;

3.2. All participants must act responsibly and take care for their own safety and that of those around them;

3.3. You must not participate in the event whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs nor consume alcohol or drugs during the event;

3.4. Photographs and films may be taken throughout each Event by the RNLI or its affiliated companies, contractors and agents. The RNLI rely upon legitimate interest as a lawful basis to use photographs and films featuring event participants for marketing, publicity and fundraising purposes by means of print, broadcast, social media or any other media now or in the future. 

The RNLI may request consent from a participant to feature in a specific media for marketing, publicity or fundraising purposes.  In the event the RNLI makes such a request it will seek the consent from the Participant (or the Participant's parent or guardian in the event the Participant is under 18) on a separate consent form. The Participant may at its sole discretion choose to grant the RNLI consent. It is not a condition of the Event that such consent is granted. 

All Participants and the parents or guardians of any under 18’s acknowledge and agree that no payment will be made to any Participant for the use of any photographs, images or films in which they may feature.

The RNLI’s use of the Participant's photograph and/or personal information contained in a marketing feature will be in accordance with the RNLI's privacy and cookies policy which can be found at

3.5. Please note that participating in certain RNLI events may involve a real risk of serious injury or even death from over exertion, dehydration, accidents with other participants, spectators or road or sea users and other causes.

The following provisions apply to all activities (whether organised by you, the RNLI or someone else):

4. You:

4.1. Agree to ensure that you are eligible to take part in the activity in accordance with any criteria  published by the activity organiser (e.g. minimum age, height/weight or health restrictions etc.) and agree to comply with any safety guidelines or other activity rules;

4.2. Accept that the onus is on you to ascertain whether there are any risks associated with you taking part in the activity and confirm that you are not aware of, or have disclosed when prompted, any medical condition or impairment that may be detrimental to your health if you participate in the activity.  If you become aware of any such medical condition or impairment you will withdraw from the activity. If you are in any doubt as to your physical ability to take part in the activity you must consult your doctor before arranging to take part;

4.3. Accept that you are taking part in and/or organising the activity on your own initiative and agree to participate in the activity entirely at your own risk; and

4.4.  Agree that you will not hold the RNLI, its officers, employees, volunteers or agents liable for any loss, injury, damage or costs that may result from the activity or your participation in it caused in any way other than through the gross negligence of the RNLI. We recommend that you obtain personal accident insurance cover for any activity involving risk of injury.

5. If a claim is made against the RNLI in relation to the activity (except where the activity has been organised by the RNLI) or arising out of any breach by you of these terms and conditions, you agree to reimburse the RNLI for any sums which the RNLI pays as a result of that claim including, but not limited to, any associated legal or other costs and expenses.

6. You agree to make clear that you are raising funds in aid of the RNLI and will not indicate or imply that you represent the RNLI or that your activity is run by the RNLI.

7. Any entry fees paid are non-refundable. If an activity organised by the RNLI is cancelled for any reason, the RNLI will, at your request, endeavour to refund any fee paid by you to the RNLI or to offer you a place for an alternative activity. Any refund will be made via the original method of payment and will be processed within 30 days of request by you for a refund. Where an activity organised by a third party is cancelled for any reason, the RNLI is unable to offer a refund or alternative activity.

8. You must only use any sponsorship forms, posters, banners, leaflets, badges or other RNLI materials provided to you by the RNLI (whether in hard copy or electronic form) (“RNLI Materials”) in connection with the specific activities which you have notified the RNLI of and in connection with which the RNLI has authorised you to raise money in aid of the RNLI (“Notified Activities”). You must not use any RNLI Materials in connection with any other activities without first obtaining the RNLI’s written approval.

9. The RNLI provides pre-designed fundraising materials for you to fill in with your activity details and use to promote your activity. You must not use the RNLI name or logo nor any other RNLI trade marks (“RNLI Trade Marks”) nor any images of the RNLI’s lifeboats, lifeboat crews, lifeboat stations, beach lifeguards or beach lifeguard  units (“RNLI Images”) on materials created by you without the RNLI’s prior approval (see - Request to use RNLI Trade Marks or RNLI Images in fundraising materials).

10. You agree:

10.1. To comply with any guidance issued to you by the RNLI or made available on its website; 

10.2. Not to take any costs relating to your activity out of funds raised unless:

10.2.1. This has been agreed with the RNLI; and

10.2.2. You have made this clear to sponsors and other donors before asking them to sponsor you/make a donation/buy a ticket etc.

11. If you send us any photos or video of your activity you agree that the RNLI may (free of charge) publish or broadcast them to publicise the work of the RNLI and to promote fundraising in aid of the RNLI.

12. You agree that you will not do anything to harm the RNLI’s good name and reputation. If you do the RNLI has the right to ask you to stop your fundraising activity immediately.

13. You must not use the RNLI Trade Marks nor any RNLI Images to promote your business (nor that of anyone else) without separate approval from the RNLI. In particular, you must not use the RNLI Trade Marks, RNLI Materials nor RNLI Images on or in relation to any of your products or services or on the packaging, advertising or promotional materials for your business, products or services nor as part of any domain name.

14. If requested to do so by the RNLI, you agree to immediately stop fundraising in aid of the RNLI and to then immediately:

14.1. Return any funds you have raised in aid of the RNLI to your sponsors or to any persons who have paid to take part in your planned activity (if the activity has not yet happened) and then immediately pay any money (not returned in this way) to the RNLI; and

14.2. Stop using any RNLI Materials you still have and return them to the RNLI (or destroy them if asked to do so by the RNLI) and delete any electronic copies you have of the RNLI Materials.

15. Please remember that for the majority of event types, you are not registered for the event you have applied for and not authorised to fundraise in aid of the RNLI, until we have emailed or written to you to say that your application has been accepted. In some cases we may first have to request further information before your application can be assessed.

16. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.