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Making the RNLI a better place to volunteer

In Our Watch we said we want all volunteers and staff to love being part of the RNLI, and feel inspired to do their best to take our charity forward. One way in which we ensure the views of our people are heard is through seeking feedback in surveys. 

One Crew Your View logo

Since the last One Crew: Your View volunteer survey was open to all volunteers in 2021, lots has been happening. The results from the survey, which you can read in full further down this page, were very positive and told us that our volunteers are highly engaged (91%) and satisfied with their overall volunteering experience (88%).

But while the results were encouraging, it showed us where efforts need to be focused for the years ahead. Feedback highlighted that as a charity we need to continue to focus on improving how we communicate with our volunteers and improving our training provision.

So what has been happening?

Here are some of the ways we are improving how we communicate with you:

  • Work is progressing well to upgrade our network and phone connectivity to all lifeboat stations and lifeguard units. This work is now 88% complete, with 224 RNLI sites having had their network migrated across to the new provider (BT). This is essential to lay the foundations we need to communicate more easily.
  • In 2023 we started to introduce a new system, called the Volunteer Platform, to help us support, recognise and manage our incredible volunteers. Initially, the RNLI’s Volunteer Platform will help us store and manage volunteer data and empower volunteers to update their own details. As 2024 progresses we will be rolling this out further and introducing new features.
  • Improvements have been made to Volunteer Zone, including additional resources page for Fundraising and Events, ensuring our volunteer have key information.
  • Improved the way we can communicate thanks to our volunteers by launching the online volunteer thank you wall.
  • We are upgrading Horizon, the RNLI’s hub for operational policies, procedures, guidance and other information for volunteers and staff involved in our lifesaving operations. Operational volunteers will be able to find key documents and information more quickly and easily. It will have an improved search function and will also help you find the people you need to speak to in our support teams.
  • We’ve changed the way we produce our weekly newsletters for Engagement volunteers, which means we have better insight into what content you like and what is most important to you.

Here are some of the ways we are improving our training provision:

  • We have started rolling out the new Operational Competence Framework (OCF) to all lifeboat stations. The new framework will bring several benefits to the RNLI and crew members. Most importantly, it will simplify and give structure to the way crew train and remain current in their roles.
  • We are replacing the current Learning Zone with a new, easier to use version for operational and water safety volunteers, and all permanent and seasonal staff.
  • We are continuing our programme of e-learning, webinars and video training materials. New releases created in 2023: ILB and ALB Helicopter training videos, online First Aid 1 training resource, eLearning Lifeboat Radio and SAR Comms
  • Providing external qualifications and certificates - 2279 MCA certificates issued in 2023
  • Investing in our network of Local Trainer Assessors, and increasing capacity for crew emergency procedures at the RNLI College.
  • In 2023 there were 1,983 station visits, including 14,531 assessments. We delivered 931 training sessions to 1687 crew.
  • In 2023, 561 Launch Authority Volunteers were trained, and 45 new Lifeboat Operation Managers were inducted.  
  • Providing sea survival training at the National Maritime College of Ireland in Cork - now operating with over 130 spaces for ALB and D Class crew annually
  • Providing training for engagement and fundraising volunteers. Developed online fundraising training modules for volunteers
  • Live Treasurer training sessions and drop in’s for Fundraising Treasurers
  • Launched One Crew Welcome Sessions for all new volunteers to get an online introduction to the RNLI, as well as the next steps in their volunteering journey.

What did the last survey say?

There are regional and role variations in responses and these results are available here:

All RNLI volunteers

Lifeboat station volunteers

Water safety volunteers

Lifeboat press officers

Shops and visits volunteers 

Fundraising and events volunteers 

Heritage volunteers

Regional reports 

Next survey coming in 2024

In 2023, we moved to a 2-year survey cycle for our volunteer and staff surveys. Therefore, you’ll be invited to share your feedback in the next One Crew: Your View survey which will be running from Monday 19 August to Sunday 15 September 2024.

We will be asking our volunteers to feedback on the progress being made against the above areas of focus as well as sharing what it’s like to volunteer at the RNLI as we reach our bi-century. In these unprecedented times, with our charity adapting to financial challenges, our people remain at the heart of saving lives.

We look forward to celebrating together during the year ahead, and to hear your views, to ensure we can continue to keep making improvements together.