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Celebrating National Volunteering Week in Ireland

National Volunteering Week starts today in Ireland. It’s a celebration of our Irish volunteers and a chance to show appreciation for their passion, talent and kindness.

A woman wearing RNLI lifeboat crew kit and a Volunteering Week Ireland logo

Photo: Therese O'Leary-Dinneen/Volunteer Ireland

Today we are shining the spotlight on one of our Irish volunteer crew members:

Olivia Keating, Crew Member at Kinsale RNLI, has been volunteering since June 2019.  Her passion for volunteering stems from having her own life saved by a stranger in 2016, when she was involved a traumatic accident. Olivia was hit by a car while cycling and sustained devastating physical injuries: ‘My back was smashed, my femur, my humerus, ribs, pelvis – you name it, basically it was broken,’ she says. ‘I also had a traumatic brain injury.’

Olivia’s life was saved on the side of the road by a doctor from the West Cork Rapid Response unit. Without his help, Olivia would not have made it to the hospital. ‘I'm so lucky and I'm incredibly grateful to be here,’ she says. ‘And if I can be there for somebody else or help someone in any way, I definitely will.’

She also has first-hand experience of the positive difference volunteers make. During months spent in hospital, Olivia appreciated the volunteers who would come into the wards to occupy patients and lift their spirits. ‘They could have been sitting down with their family, but they weren’t,’ she says. ‘They were coming into the hospital to help.’

As soon as she was out of hospital, Olivia started to volunteer for various charities. ‘The satisfaction I got from volunteering was unreal,’ says Olivia. ‘Even though I was going through a tough time myself, every time I volunteered, I can honestly say I left with a smile on my face.’

The accident gave Olivia a different outlook on life. Having always wanted to live by the sea, Olivia moved to Kinsale in 2019 and, within a week of moving there, she headed into the RNLI station to ask if she could help.

‘I started as shore crew and then became boat crew,’ she says. ‘I had to work hard because I didn’t have a huge amount of marine experience. My grandfather sailed for 40 years, and I had done some sailing, kayaking and sea swimming, but it was more recreational. I did wonder what skill and qualities I could bring to the role, but I love the sea, I love being with people and I’m dedicated to helping others. I might not have the same physical strength as another crew member, but when it comes to mental strength, that’s me.’ 

Olivia is a marathon runner and has recently completed the Cork City Marathon, alongside the doctor who helped save her life – it marked a turning point in her life and was a huge personal achievement. Her incredible motivation feeds into her volunteering role.

‘When the pager goes off at 2am, and I get to the station in my pyjamas and purple Crocs, with my hair all sticking up, I just want to help,’ she says. ‘When you get a call at that hour, and the sea conditions are challenging, chances are someone really needs your help. If I can help, I will.’ 

Olivia is currently the only female crew member at Kinsale and would love to encourage more women to volunteer with the RNLI.

‘The crew are made of all kinds of people, from all walks of life, some with huge marine experience and others with very little and everyone brings their own qualities,’ she says. ‘I would love to see more Irish women get involved with volunteering at the RNLI. I’d like to let women know that yes, you can do it, you can be part of the RNLI and they will support you. Even if you don’t have marine experience, there are many strengths and qualities you can bring from your life and transfer to the RNLI role. It’s a very supportive community and being part of the RNLI is something I’m very proud of.’

Special offer for Irish volunteers

To say thank you, RNLI volunteers and staff will receive a 15% discount in all RNLI shops and branches in the Republic of Ireland between Saturday 18 May and Sunday 26 May, so it's a great time to stock up on any RNLI goodies. Ask in your local shop for the details of when the discount will be running.

This discount is only for RNLI volunteers and staff, so please don't share more widely.

Saying thank you

It’s a great time to say thank you and celebrate volunteers you know this Volunteering Week. Share your thanks with our Irish volunteers via our online thank you wall, which can be accessed from the Volunteer Zone. This is a place where supporters, volunteers and staff members can share messages and photos to show their appreciation for the RNLI’s incredible lifesaving volunteers – help us celebrate our fantastic volunteers by leaving a message.

If you manage volunteers in your role, check out the top tips and other resources available on the Volunteer Zone to help you say thank you.