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Guidance ahead of the UK General Election

A UK General Election has been announced for Thursday 4 July. 

A hand dropping a voting card into a voting box

UK Parliament will be dissolved on Thursday 30 May, followed by a period of campaigning ahead of Polling Day. Government activity is restricted during the campaign, in what is known as the ‘pre-election period’ (previously known as purdah).

Special care should be taken in the weeks preceding an election, so please read the following guidance.

Period of sensitivity

This describes the period of time immediately before elections or referendums when specific restrictions are in place on communications activity and the use of public resources across Government. The rules apply directly to Ministers and central, devolved and local Government Civil Servants. They operate to prevent central, devolved and local Government and other non-departmental public bodies from making announcements or undertaking initiatives that could be perceived as advantageous to any election candidates or political parties. 

Why is this important to the RNLI? 

The RNLI is not directly subject to the pre-election rules. However, like other organisations that represent the public, we take the stance that we will abide by the spirit of the rules, which apply primarily to publicity/communications. We are also bound by legislation relating to charities and in relation to elections/lobbying. In line with the RNLI’s Values, we should also be, and be seen to be, independent from party politics. 

Therefore, during the pre-election period, volunteers and staff acting in their capacity as a RNLI volunteer or staff member should avoid any behaviour or actions that promote or might appear to promote the interests of a specific candidate or political party. The same is true of anything that could be seen to have a negative impact on any party or candidate.

Specifically, volunteers and staff acting in a RNLI capacity should not make comment on any political activity to the media, at an event, on a website or through social media.

Please read the RNLI’s media and social media policies for further guidance if needed.

Who can I contact for advice and support?

If you are in any doubt about what constitutes inappropriate behaviour, please call the RNLI Press Office, who operate a 24-hour on-call system, on 01202 336 789. 

What should I do if a politician/campaign group contacts me? 

Often in the run-up to an election, requests are made from politicians or campaigners to visit our lifeboat stations and lifeguarded beaches. These visits are to be treated with particular caution and should be referred to the regional communication lead for that area, or the RNLI Press Office on 01202 336 789. They will then alert the Chief Executive’s Office for approval on whether the visit can proceed.

During the pre-election period, where any visit is approved, it should be on the understanding that the visit is not to be used as a platform to promote any individual or party’s interests. Politicians may not hold press conferences, conduct interviews or photo calls on RNLI property in the run-up to the election.