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Our Watch: Medium-term goals

In order to make sure we’re all focusing on the right things, and working towards our Vision, the RNLI has set six Outcomes for all volunteers and staff to strive for.

This is our watch. It’s our turn to show true courage and commitment, to make the right decisions for the RNLI, and to do all we can to prevent drowning so that we can save every one.

The RNLI’s 6 Outcomes

To help us on our way, we have defined six Outcomes to strive for. When we have achieved these Outcomes, we will know that we are saving more lives, while ensuring the safety of our volunteers and the future of our charity. We will be on course to saving every one.

1. We keep our people safe

  • by giving volunteers and staff the training and tools to keep themselves safe
  • by improving the technology and equipment on our boats and beaches
  • by providing Trauma Risk Management and mental health first aiders.

2. We focus on what will save the most lives in or near the water

  • by ensuring we have the right people and assets in the right places
  • by upgrading our infrastructure, asset base and networks
  • by working with partners to understand and prepare for the lifesaving challenges of the future.

3. Working with partners, we influence improved safety on and beside the water

For example:
  • by focusing on the highest-risk locations and activities at home and internationally
  • by forging and maintaining strong partnerships with like-minded organisations
  • by working together to build awareness, gather evidence and develop effective interventions.

4. Our people love being part of the RNLI

  • by upscaling our training and providing greater development opportunities for everyone
  • by attracting more volunteers and staff from a variety of backgrounds
  • by providing greater support to our volunteers and staff.

5. We raise the funds we need and spend donors’ money wisely

  • by diversifying our income sources and focusing on commercial opportunities
  • by engaging with new audiences and inspiring our existing supporters
  • with continued rigour in our financial discipline, making every penny and cent count.

6. Our future is sustainable and secure

  • by reaching out to younger generations
  • by maximising the impact of our Poole campus as a manufacturing, training and heritage centre to support the whole RNLI
  • by creating a sustainable strategy and roadmap to 2050.

You can find out more about how we will achieve these Outcomes, why they are important, and how we will know we are succeeding, in Our Watch: RNLI Strategic Intent 2020–24.

Our planning and budgeting draws on the Our Watch document, so that everyone in the RNLI consistently moves forward in one direction.

It is written primarily for the RNLI’s volunteers and staff. We hope it will also be read by our supporters, donors and others interested in our lifesaving work.

If we are all focused on the same things, we have a greater chance of achieving our long-term Vision: to save every one.
