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Abersoch's station history


Two Silver medals have been awarded, the last being voted in 1879.


Station established.  Lifeboat house constructed at a cost of £170.


Silver Medal awarded to Rev Owen Lloyd Williams, Honorary Secretary, for the rescue of 13 men from the ship Kenilworth on 14/15 January 1870.


Slipway constructed at a cost of £70.


Silver Second-Service clasp awarded on 2 January to Rev Williams for ‘…his continued intrepid services in the Abersoch and Porthdinllaen lifeboats’.


Station removed to Black Point.  Lifeboat house and slipway constructed at a cost of £1,350.


A watch-room constructed at a cost of £137.


Additional flagstaff and signal post erected on the hill above Ceriad Bay.


Station closed.


Inshore lifeboat station established with D class lifeboat in June.


Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum accorded to Helmsman Barrie McGill and crew member Michael Bosley in recognition of their skill and fine seamanship when the inshore lifeboat, in co-operation with the Pwllheli lifeboat rescued two men by breeches buoy from the rocks at Cilan Head on 25 June.


Framed Letters of Thanks signed by the Chairman of the Institution were presented to Helmsman Barrie McGill, crew members N Loughlin and M Davies for their service in the inshore lifeboat when a climber fell 35 feet into the sea on 13 April.


The citizens of Wolverhampton raised over £30,000 in a special appeal that funded a boathouse, launching equipment and an Atlantic 21 lifeboat.  The cheque was presented to the Chairman of the Institution, Major General Ralph Farrant, at the London Boat Show on 6 January.  D class lifeboat withdrawn and replaced with an Atlantic 21 lifeboat named Wolverhampton.


A sea defence wall, as protection for the boathouse, was constructed after the bank adjacent to the boathouse suffered damage by erosion during the 1985 spring tides.


Boathouse was extended to enable the lifeboat, trolley, and tractor to be coupled at all times.


New boathouse was constructed.  As well as housing the Atlantic 21 class lifeboat and tractor coupled-in-line, it includes improved crew facilities.


Helmsman Richard Hughes and crew member Simon Harris both accorded the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum for the rescue of a girl and her dog from a rock in darkness and rough seas on the evening of 26 October 2000.


The Trustee Meeting held on 27 November decided that Abersoch Lifeboat Station be awarded a Vellum to commemorate the completion of an aggregate of 100 years service in 2003.

The new station Atlantic 75 lifeboat B-790 Margaret Bench of Solihull was placed on service. This lifeboat was funded by the Solihull Branch appeal.. Lifeboat B-582 Borough of Solihull has been withdrawn.


For services to the Institution, LOM Barrie McGill has been honoured by Her Majesty the Queen in the recent Birthday Honours; - Member, Order of the British Empire (MBE).