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Angle's station history


Twelve medals have been awarded, seven Silver and five Bronze, the last being voted in 1977.

The station was established in 1868 and was called Milford until 1892.  In 1908 a second station was opened here, but this was closed again in 1910.


Silver Medal awarded to Mr William Field for the rescue of 12 people from the Sicilian Brig Felicita that was wrecked in Sandy Haven Bay during the night of 19/20 February 1833.  The vessel, with her hull broken in two, all her masts gone and with surf breaking over her had survivors clinging to the lower rigging.  With the service of two volunteers Mr Field went over the reef and swam to the wreck and brought two seamen safely ashore.  Then with other volunteers assisting them brought the remaining survivors, who were rendered helpless by exhaustion, safely ashore.


Silver Medal awarded to Mr Thomas Landells for the rescue of the crew of eight of the schooner Maria that parted from her anchor and was driven onto rocks at Pill Point on 19 November 1950.


Silver Medal awarded to John Large in recognition of his gallant exertions in wading into the surf at the peril of his life and assisting to rescue three of the crew of the Brig Harmony wrecked on 19 February 1861.


Lifeboat house and slipway constructed at a cost of £306.


New and stronger slipway constructed at a cost of £570.


Silver Medals awarded to R W Mirehouse, Honorary Secretary, crew members E Bull and T Rees, for gallantly landing on Thorn Island and with much intrepidity crawling along a narrow cliff ledge on a pitch dark night and hauling up by a rope, taken with them, 27 people who had taken refuge on the rocks below from the stranded ship Loch Shiel on 30 January 1894.  Six men had already been rescued from the other side of the island.


Steam lifeboat sent to station.


Steam lifeboat broke away from her moorings, drifted on to rocks, and was badly damaged.  Steam lifeboat withdrawn.


Acetylene beach light supplied.


Station modernised for reception of new lifeboat at a cost of £20,000.


Bronze Medal awarded to Coxswain James Watkins in recognition of his judgement, perseverance and fine seamanship for the rescue at the third attempt and at considerable risk, of 28 people from the ss Molesey which was totally wrecked on Middle Island in a whole south westerly gale on 25/26 November 1929.


Silver Medal awarded to Coxswain James Watkins in recognition of his great skill and daring in handling the lifeboat during the rescue of six people from the motor vessel Thor in a south westerly gale and a very rough sea on 18 December 1943.  The Thor had been thrown on her beam end by a following sea and was nearly bottom up with heavy seas breaking over her.  Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum was accorded to Mechanic Albert Rees in recognition of his efficient handling of the lifeboat engines during this service.


Bronze Second Service clasp awarded to Coxswain James Watkins for a difficult service very skilfully carried out on 16 July 1945, when nine men were rescued from the ex-German steamer Walter L M Russ, which had been driven ashore of Gasohol Island.  Heavy seas were making a clean sweep over the vessel and only her bridge, the upper part of the funnel and the two masts could be seen above the sea.  Three men were clinging to the rocks by lines.


Coxswain James Watkins retired after 24 years’ service as coxswain and 13 years as second coxswain; he had been awarded the Silver Medal, the Bronze Medal and a Clasp to his Bronze Medal.


Coxswain James Watkins retired after 24 years’ service as coxswain and 13 years as second coxswain; he had been awarded the Silver Medal, the Bronze Medal and a Clasp to his Bronze Medal.


Bronze Medal awarded to Coxswain William John Rees Holmes when the lifeboat gave help and stood by in a Force 10 Storm, the oil tanker Dona Marika aground on Wooltack Point, Lindsway Bay on 5 August.  There was danger that the tanker would explode and a nearby village had to be evacuated.


Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum was accorded to Coxswain/Mechanic William John Rees Holmes in recognition of his courage and skill when the lifeboat, with waves constantly breaking over her, stood by the tanker Leonidas, which was in difficulties approximately two miles west of St Ann’s Head in a southerly storm, hail and thunder, and very rough seas on 6/7 December 1976.


A special framed certificate awarded to the coxswain and crew for display at the station in recognition of their services in connection with numerous yachts in difficulties during the Fastnet Race on 16 August.


Bronze Second Service Clasp awarded to Coxswain/Mechanic William John Rees Holmes in recognition of his courage, skill and determination when the lifeboat rescued the crew of three of the fishing boa t Cairnsmore, which was in tow of the tug Barracuda after an engine failure and in danger of capsizing five miles south west of the Hats and Barrels Rocks in a south easterly storm and a heavy breaking sea on 1 December 1978.


Adaptation work carried out at Angle in order to accommodate and operate the Tyne class lifeboat.  This included slipway decking, installation of new bilgeways, new fuel tank and the raising of the boathouse bressummer.


Due to considerable deterioration a new boathouse and slipway was constructed.  The new boathouse was completed in June.  As well as housing the lifeboat it included a new fuel storage tank, new Biglands hydraulic winch and new crew facilities.  It was officially opened and dedicated in a special ceremony on 19 September 1992. The old boathouse and slipway have been demolished.


D class lifeboat sent to station on 19 March for one season’s evaluation.


Inshore lifeboat station permanently established.


New D class lifeboat D493 placed on service on 30 March.


Bronze Medal awarded to Coxswain Jeremy Richard Rees in recognition of the high standard of seamanship, courage and leadership when the lifeboat The Lady Rank rescued the crew of four and saved the motor vessel Dale Princess which was being driven onto a sheer cliff at Skomer Island by gusting gale force winds and heavy seas on 5 May. 

A Framed Letter of Thanks signed by the Chairman of the Institution was awarded to the crew of The Lady Rank.


Adaptation to boathouse to accommodate D class lifeboat.


A New D class boathouse completed in July at a cost of £211,887. Following the visit on 5 September 2001 by the Coast Review delegation, led by Commodore R C Hastie, it was agreed by the Search and Rescue Committee on 6 February 2002 and resolved by the Executive Committee at their meeting on 10 April 2002 that the station be earmarked for the allocation of an FSB2 in due course.  It was also resolved that there be no change to the ILB coverage at this station.


The new class of lifeboat IB1, D638 Richard John Talbot was placed on service on Wednesday 29 June.  D493 has been withdrawn.


Adaptation to boathouse to accommodate Tamar class lifeboat completed in January at a cost of £4,200,000.

The new station Tamar class, ON1291 Mark Mason lifeboat was placed on service on 11 May. This lifeboat was named on 5 June 2009 by HRH Prince Michael of Kent and was donated from the generous bequest of The Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons.  Lifeboat ON1114 has been withdrawn to the relief fleet.


The new station D-class lifeboat D-776 Superg II was placed on service 13 January 2015.This lifeboat was funded by The Coward Endowment. Lifeboat D638 Richard John Talbot has been withdrawn.