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Arklow's station history


Five Silver medals have been awarded, the last being voted in 1877.

The first lifeboat station in Ireland was established by the Institution in 1826 at Arklow.  The Inspector General of Coastguard reported that a lifeboat was particularly wanted at that place.  A boathouse was built from local funds.  The lifeboat was sent in 1830, to Newcastle and the station  closed until 1857.


Silver Medal awarded to James Dillon, Coastguard boatman, in the recognition of his efforts on the occasion of the wreck of the ship Calypso at Niger Head, near Arklow.  The entire crew, 18 in number, were rescued by rope communication on 27 February 1848.


Lifeboat capsized on service on 19 March without loss of life.


Silver Medal awarded to Coxswain Peter Kavanagh for his meritorious conduct in assisting to rescue 34 men belonging to the ship Tennessarian of Liverpool, which was wrecked on the Blackwater Bank, during a heavy gale on 26 December 1865.


Silver Medal awarded to Captain Edward Kearon for putting off in a fierce south easterly gale on 11 September 1867 to the assistance of a boy on board the smack Kate and Mary of Arklow, which was riding at anchor in a dangerous position.


Silver Medal awarded to Coxswain John Cummings for going off on 2 September 1870 in a strong south south-westerly gale with a very heavy sea, to the schooner Dove of Barrow, which had sunk on Arklow Bank.  The crew, five in number, who were totally exhausted, were got into the lifeboat by means of ropes and brought safely ashore.


New lifeboat house erected on the south side of the river at a cost of £350.  Slipway constructed for £200.  Old lifeboat house sold for £100.


Silver Medal awarded to Second Coxswain William Manifold on 3 May 1877, who during the past 11 years, has been out on service 22 times and has assisted to save 44 lives.


John Dunne, member of the crew, died suddenly in the lifeboat that had just returned from exercise on 30 December.  Committee of Management voted £100 to the widow.


Station adapted for motor lifeboat at a cost of £1,500.


An 11ft bridge was built across the slipway at a cost of £220.


Centenary Vellum awarded to station at a ceremony on 2 June.


Awarded case of rum by the Sugar Manufacturers Association (of Jamaica) for longest winter service 1955-1956 for service of 22/23 December 1955.


The Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum was accorded to Coxswain Michael O’Brien in recognition of the leadership and seamanship he displayed when the lifeboat under his command rescued the crew of six in two life rafts from the fishing trawler Jadestar Glory which had run aground on the rocks at Cahore Point in a strong north westerly wind and a very rough sea on 16 January.


An anniversary Vellum presented commemorating 150 years.


The stations ne Trent class lifeboat ON1223 Ger Tigchelaar was placed on service Feb 1997.  This lifeboat was funded by Johan Frits Oppenheim. Lifeboat ON1029 Augustine Courtauld has been withdrawn.

Approval recently been given for the provision of a new mooring pontoon and the work was completed in May.

A Framed Letter of Thanks signed by the Chairman of the Institution, was presented to Coxswain Edward Dillon in recognition of the leadership and skill he displayed when the lifeboat under his command rescued the five crew from the fishing vessel Graceful aground at Clogga Point in rough conditions, in darkness and a lee shore on 28 November.


New store shed completed in April.


An anniversary celebration held on 14 July for 175 year of service.