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Calshot's station history


Three medals have been awarded to the men of Calshot, all three are bronze and were voted in 1976.

In the 1960’s after the RAF had left Calshot, Hampshire County Council opened an Education Sea and Land based Activities Centre.  The centre was constantly being asked by HM coastguard to rescue people off shore.  The warden at the centre was Col Philip Keymer, who contacted the RNLI, and as a direct result, and after a years evaluation, Calshot became a lifeboat station in 1970.  Col Keymer became the first Honorary Secretary of the station.


The Ernest William and Elizabeth Ellen Hinde lifeboat (ON1017) was sent to station on 25 July for evaluation purposes.


Committee of Management decided in March to establish a permanent station at Calshot.


Bronze Medals awarded to Emergency Mechanic Peter King and crew members John Street and Christopher Smith for a service on 29/30 January 1976 when they manned the inflatable boarding boat after it had been towed to Ashlett Creek by the lifeboat and disregarding personal safety they landed an injured man from the yacht Rowstone.  At about 11.30 they sighted the Hamble Rescue Boat and taking turns, dragged their boat through the marsh and rescued the two Hamble crew and landed them back at Calshot.


The new station Brede class lifeboat (ON1104) Safeway arrived on station on 21/1/1985 until 20/1/01.


A new shore facility located adjacent to the Coastguard station was completed in November.


Helmsman Duncan Christie awarded a Framed Letter of Thanks signed by the Chairman of the Institution in recognition of his actions when the D class inshore lifeboat assisted three yachts aground on the Bramble Bank on 30 June 2001.  Two people were landed from one yacht and the lifeboat saved four others from the yacht On-y-va.  The other two crew members of the ILB crew received individual Letters of Appreciation signed by the Chief Executive of the Institution.

At the Executive Committee meeting held on 28 November it was resolved that an Arun class lifeboat would be allocated to Calshot and a D class inshore lifeboat be co-located with immediate effect.

The last Brede class lifeboat (ON1104) Safeway left Calshot on 21 April.  The Brede had part of the Institution’s fleet since 1982 with 11 being built in total.


A new class of lifeboat an Arun class, Margaret Russell Fraser (ON1108) was placed on service on 4 April.


A relief D class D-407 Marlborough Club, Didcot was placed on service on 20 March until 17 December.

A boathouse extension was completed in April at a cost of £266,424.

A station D class lifeboat, D-609 248 Squadron RAF was placed on service on 17 December. This lifeboat was funded by a generous donation by Squadron Leader C R B Schofield.  



A new class of all weather lifeboat, a Tyne, Sarah Emily Harrop (ON1155) went on service on 3 February.  This lifeboat replaced the last Arun in service.


A new launching tractor on station, this was generously funded by the CSMA.


The Tyne class lifeboat Alexander Coutanche (ON1157) was placed on service on 21 January. Lifeboat Sarah Emily Harrop has been withdrawn to the relief fleet.


The new station D class lifeboat, D-748 Willett was placed on service in November 2011. This lifeboat was provided by the generous support of Mrs Sheila Peters and family.  Lifeboat D-609 248 Squadron RAF has been withdrawn to the relief fleet.


At the meeting of the Trustee Board held on 4 April 2012, it was resolved that the Tyne class all weather lifeboat be withdrawn from station once suitable facilities had been established to co-locate a B class Atlantic A85 with the existing D class ILB.

The new station B class Atlantic 85 B860 Max Walls was placed on service 11 July 2012.  The lifeboat was provided by the generous bequests of Mr Maxwell Price Walls and Mrs Winifred Alice Walls. The Tyne class lifeboat Alexander Coutanche (ON1157) has been withdrawn and Calshot has been re-designated as an ILB station.