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Dunmore East's station history


Sixteen medals have been awarded, eight Silver and eight Bronze, the last being voted in 1976.


Commander Holmes and Coxswain W Power were awarded Silver medals by the King of Norway in connection with the wreck of the Mexico.


Silver Medal awarded to Lt Thomas Stuart RN, for the rescue by boat of six people from the sloop James on 7 November 1834.


Silver Medal awarded to Richard Ross for the rescue of the crew of 11 of the Brig Collins wrecked near Waterford on 24 November 1835.


Silver Medal awarded to Lt Thomas Stuart RN, for the rescue of three people from the sloop Edward on 19 December 1837.


Silver Medal awarded to Mr Charles French, Chief Officer of coastguard for the rescue by ropes of the crew of 13 of the ship Glencoe on 7 December 1840.


Lifeboat house and slipway constructed at a cost of £610.


Silver Medal awarded to Sergeant Thomas Sutcliffe, RIC, for descending a cliff at great risk and rescuing 12 of the crew and the Master’s wife from the barque Etta on 21 December 1888.


Whilst on service on 13 December, the lifeboat was struck by a heavy sea and broached to and capsized.  All the crew regained the boat except Philip Boutcher, who was drowned.  Committee of Management voted £100 to the dependants.


Lifeboat fitted with a motor sent to station.


On Friday 20 February, the Norwegian schooner Mexico was wrecked on the South Keeragh Island, and the Fethard lifeboat, when going to her assistance, was hurled onto the rocks by heavy breakers and was smashed to pieces.  Of her crew of 14, nine were washed away and drowned, the five survivors managing to scramble onto the Island where they at once set to work and assisted by means of lines eight of the crew of the Mexico to leave the wreck and take refuge on the Island.  The other two members of the Mexico’s crew had previously been washed ashore in a small boat.  Directed by the Chief Inspector of Lifeboats, Commander Holmes, efforts were made by the Dunmore East, Kilmore and Wexford lifeboats, to rescue the men, but it was not until Monday 23 February that they were eventually saved.  Silver Medals were awarded to Commander Holmes, Coxswain Wickham of Wexford, Coxswain Walter Power of Dunmore East and James Wickham and William Duggan of Wexford lifeboat crew.  The King of Norway also conferred Silver Medals on these five men as well as the five survivors of the Fethard lifeboat.


Station closed.


Station re-opened.


Bronze Medal awarded to Second Coxswain Patrick Power, for the rescue of the crew of seven of the Belgian trawler Ibis on 28 February 1941 in a strong breeze, heavy ground sea and a sea mist.  The Ibis, which had dragged her three anchors, was only 200 yards from a rocky shore and the seas were breaking right over her and she was sheering wildly at her cables.  The second coxswain who was at the wheel the whole time handled the lifeboat with courage and fine seamanship.


A second bar to the Bronze Medal was awarded to Coxswain Patrick Power, for rescuing one man from a disabled barge and saving a second barge on 4 October 1960.  He also received the 1960 Maude Smith Award.


A third bar to the Bronze Medal was awarded to Coxswain Patrick Power, for rescuing six men from the Dutch motor vessel Jan Brons of Delfzijl which went aground on the rocks off Ardnamult Head in a south westerly gale with a rough sea on 11 March 1964.  Bronze Medals were awarded to Second Coxswain Stephen Whittle, and Assistant Mechanic John Power.


Silver Medal awarded to Coxswain Stephen Whittle, for rescuing three men from the fishing boat Glenmalure which was waterlogged and in danger of being swept onto the rocks close to Hook Point.  The rescue was carried out in a strong south easterly gale with a very rough sea and a flooding tide on 25 November 1970.  The rescued skipper of the fishing boat was the coxswain of the Kilmore Quay lifeboat James Bates.


Barnett class lifeboat withdrawn and replaced by a Waveney class.

Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum was awarded to Coxswain Stephen Whittle for the rescue of the crew of seven of the motor vessel Michael which was drifting with engine trouble and listing to port in a violent south-south-westerly storm gusting to hurricane force on 13/14 January.


Bronze Second Service Clasp awarded to Coxswain/Mechanic Stephen Whittle in recognition of the courage and outstanding seamanship displayed by him when a man was rescued from an 18ft open boat which had been washed onto heavy rocks near Falskirt Rocks in a fresh southerly breeze and a heavy swell on 9 July 1976.


A special framed certificate awarded to the coxswain and crew for display at the station in recognition of their services in connection with numerous yachts in difficulties during the Fastnet Race on 14/15 August.


Centenary Vellum awarded.


New station Trent class lifeboat ON1215 Elizabeth and Ronald placed on service on 7 October 1996. This lifeboat was funded by the legacy of Mrs E M Manners-Clark. Lifeboat ON1035 St Patrick has been withdrawn.


New shore facilities completed.

A Framed Letter of Thanks signed by the Chairman of the Institution, Mr Peter Nicholson was presented to Coxswain Joseph Murphy in recognition of his leadership, fine seamanship, and sound judgement exhibited during a long and arduous service on 27 September 2000 when the yacht Karen Liquid and her single crew member, a professional yachtswoman, were saved.  The service lasted over eight hours and was conducted in appalling weather conditions throughout.


A new pontoon berth completed in June at a cost of £363.677.


A service which commenced on 29 March 2006 and ended on 31 March 2006 resulted in the award of a Framed Letter of Thanks signed by the Chairman of the Institution Admiral Sir Jock Slater being awarded to Coxswain Joseph Murphy, and a collective Framed Letter of Thanks signed by the Chairman of the Institution also being awarded to the station and an Exceptional First Aid Certificate, signed by the Chairman of the Medical and Survival Sub Committee, Mr Peter Vickers, was awarded to crew member Neville Murphy for his exemplary first aid treatment of a severely hypothermic Polish fisherman who had been recovered from a semi submerged life raft in atrocious conditions.  The fishing vessel Magpie B had suddenly foundered in very poor weather conditions.