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Filey's station history


There were 71 reported by the Coastguard as rescued by the lifeboat between the years of 1848 and 1852 which are not included in the total given under the list of boats.


Four medals have been awarded, one Silver and three Bronze, the last being voted in November 2003.

The station was established in 1804 and was taken over by the Institution in 1852.


Lifeboat house erected from local funds.


Silver Medal awarded to John Ruddock in recognition of his valuable and gallant service in saving life from shipwreck on different occasions.


Lifeboat house enlarged at a cost of £200.


New lifeboat house constructed at a cost of £430.  Retaining wall £90.


Old lifeboat house sold for £15.  Honorary Secretary Mr W Tout resigned on account of ill health through a chill caught in lifeboat service.  He had been connected with the service for 30 years in different capacities and was a survivor of the Lizard lifeboat when it capsized in 1866 when three of her crew were drowned.


Bronze Medals awarded to Second Coxswain William Robinson and George Boynton who were out in a coble when they rescued the two occupants of another coble, the Leslie, which capsized in a whole south westerly gale, with a very heavy sea on 28 August 1919.


Centenary Vellum awarded.


During the launch of the lifeboat in August, crewmember John W Willis was run over by the lifeboat carriage and killed.  A pension was granted to his widow and a weekly allowance for one of two daughters who were under sixteen.


D class lifeboat sent to station in April.


Anniversary Vellum awarded to station for 150 years of service.


Mechanic R Appleby collapsed and died at a service launch on 23 June.  He had  Scarborough and Humber lifeboats.  As a memorial to him, his friends and colleagues got together and built a crew-room and took out onto the side of the boathouse at Filey, which was dedicated to his memory, the cost being met out of donations received from all over the country.


The Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum was accorded to Coxswain Frank Jenkinson in recognition of the leadership, determination and seamanship he displayed when the lifeboat rescued the crew of four of the motor vessel Rito in a south easterly gale and a very rough sea on 20 December.


The Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum was accorded to crew member Malcolm Johnson in recognition of his meritorious action when he entered a rough sea from the lifeboat and rescued a survivor from the capsized motor boat Northwind on 7 May.


New boathouse was built to accommodate the new Mersey class lifeboat.  It provides housing for the stations D class lifeboat as well as a mechanic’s store and crew facilities.

The stations new Mersey class lifeboat ON1170 was officially named Keep Fit Association. This lifeboat was provided by the Keep Fit Association and Filey lifeboat appeal 1990 together with other gifts and legacies.


The Royal Humane Society Resuscitation Certificate awarded to Third Mechanic Richard Johnson for assisting to resuscitate a man saved from the sea by others on 22 May 2001.

A Framed Letter of Thanks signed by the Chairman of the RNLI awarded to Coxswain Malcolm Johnson for his leadership and seamanship in getting a crewman aboard and establishing a tow in gale force winds and a heavy swell on 2 June 2001.  During this service the crew member, Neil Cammish was washed off the yacht, the Araxian but he was able to re-board her.


Bronze Medal awarded to Helmsman Michael Farline for saving the lives of two swimmers at Reighton Sands on 15 August 2003.  During the service that occurred in dumping waves on an offshore sandbank, the D class lifeboat grounded, almost capsized at one point, and was difficult to manoeuvre as she was full of sea water.  The Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners Royal Benevolent Society awarded the Emile Robin Award for 2003 to Helmsman Farline for this service.

A Framed Letter of Thanks signed by the Chairman of the Institution awarded to Helmsman Michael Farline for a service, also at Reighton Sands, on 16 August 2003.  Although the conditions were not quite as severe as on the previous day, it was a difficult service to undertake, and the D class assisted to save one person and saved a second.

A celebration 200 years anniversary Vellum awarded.


The new station D Class lifeboat D-728 Braund was placed on service in January. This lifeboat was funded, together with the Tractor overhaul completed in 2007, by the generous legacy of Mrs Joan Braund. The lifeboat D-563 has been withdrawn.