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Kilmore Quay's Station history


Nine Silver Medals and one Bronze Medal have been awarded, the last being voted in 1978.

In 1846 Inspector General Sir James Dombrain applied to the Institution for a lifeboat for Kilmore. It was supplied in 1847 and was put under the care of the Coastguard.

In 1850 the boat was reported to be efficient but two years later she was in need of repair and orders were given for her to be taken to Wexford. There is no record of any services by this boat and, although the name Kilmore appears in the reports of the late fifties as a lifeboat station, it seems to have lapsed for some years because it is reported in the Institution's Journal for 1 November 1884 that the attention of the Committee of Management of the Institution had been called to the desirability of having a station at Kilmore and that a lifeboat had been sent there in March of that year.  She was a 34ft 10 oared self-righting boat named John Robert.


Silver Medal awarded to Dennis Donovan, Chief Boatman of Coastguard Station for rescuing the five crew of the brig Isabella, which was wrecked during a heavy gale on the rocks of Kilmore on 18 December 1855.

Silver Medals awarded to Henry Smyth, John Ahern, Donald Gray, Daniel Regan, William Cox, and the Second Service Clasp to Dennis Donovan of the Kilmore Coastguard Station, in testimony of their gallant conduct in a boat in rescuing at the imminent peril of their lives, the crew of six hands of the brigantine Exile of New Ross on 22 October 1853. A Coastguardsman named John Barrett, who was in the boat at the time, had since died, and the Committee voted £2 to his widow.


Lifeboat house constructed at a cost of £320.


Centenary Vellum awarded to station.


Silver Medal awarded to Coxswain Mark Bates for the rescue of the crew of ten of the French trawler Augusta Maurice on 19 December 1957 in a fresh south south westerly gale with gusts at times of Force 10.

Coxswain Bates received a gift from the James Michael Bower Endowment Fund. This fund was established in 1955 by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company as a memorial to James Michael Bower, the late Third Officer of the ss Stratheden. Awards from the fund are made to those who received either the Gold or Silver Medal of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution for gallantry.


The Silver Medal awarded to Coxswain Thomas Walsh and the Bronze Medal to Acting Motor Mechanic John Devereux for their courage and determination displayed upon the occasion of the station lifeboat Lady Murphy ON 997 capsizing twice on 24 December whilst on service to reported flares, with the loss of life of crewman Finton Sinnott. The Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum were accorded to the rest of the crew. A specially worded Vellum was awarded posthumously to F Sinnott and his wife received a pension from the Institution.


A new boathouse was completed in December in order to accommodate the station's new Mersey class lifeboat. This was built on the site of the old boathouse, which was demolished after it was considered insufficient in size. The new boathouse, as well as housing the lifeboat and Bigland Tractor, includes a workshop, crew room, drying cupboard, toilet and shower facilities and a souvenir sales outlet.


Anniversary Vellum awarded to station for 150 years.


Framed Letter of Thanks signed by the Chairman of the Institution Mr David Acland, presented to Coxswain John Devereux in recognition of the skill, judgement and seamanship demonstrated by him on 21 December 1999. The lifeboat established a tow in gale force winds and a large swell and towed the disabled historic tug Golden Cross 15 miles to safety in Rosslare Harbour. The tow took six hours and the average speed was two and a half knots.


At a meeting of the trustee Committee is was resolved that Tyne class lifeboat ON1133 The Famous Grouse be re-allocated to Kilmore Quay in the near future.


The new station Tyne class lifeboat ON1133 The Famous Grouse was placed on service on 7 April.  Mersey class lifeboat ON1187 Mary Margaret withdrawn to the Relief Fleet.

New berth completed in September at a cost of £17,145.


A Framed Letter of Thanks signed by the Chairman of the Institution Admiral Sir Jock Slater presented to Coxswain Eugene Kehoe in recognition of his seamanship and leadership during a joint service with the Rosslare Harbour lifeboat on 26 March 2006 when the disabled tanker Breaksea was safely got under tow and prevented from going ashore near Tusker Rock. The service was conducted in very rough seas and southerly force 8 winds.


The new Tamar class lifeboat ON1298 Killarney was place on service on 27 October. This lifeboat was funded by the generous bequest of Mrs Mary Weeks from Cheam in Sutton, Surrey. Lifeboat ON1133 The Famous Grouse has been withdrawn. 


President Mary McAleese officially named ON1298 Killarney at the new Tamar’s naming ceremony on 15 June.