Llandudno Lifeboat Station

Latest lifeboat launch
Visitor information and facilities
Station address
Colwyn Road
LL30 3AA
Station phone number
Disabled access to visitor experience area.
Visiting times
The lifeboat Station will be open to visitors from 1-4pm on Tuesday 28, Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 May to coincide with the children's Whitsun holiday break.
We welcome visitors Sundays and Bank Holidays from 1 - 4pm until 19 July when the holiday opening season commences.
We look forward to welcoming you to our fantastic station visitor centre.
More 2024 opening times will be published as soon as arranged. Alternatively see instructions for guided tours below.
The Lifeboat Visitor Centre is also open for pre-booked guided tours outside these times (entry is free). To arrange a tour, contact either the Lifeboat Visits Officer on [email protected] or leave a message with your details at the Lifeboat Station.
Visitor contact
Nick Walton
Fundraising Team
Llandudno Lifeboat Fundraising Team hold events and are happy to support any events held by others.
Shop address
9 St George's Place
LL30 2NR
Shop phone number
Shop opening hours
Llandudno Lifeboat Shop is open from 10am to 4pm, Mondays to Saturdays.
The Shop will close for the Christmas period on Thursday 21 December at 1pm. It will re-open on Thursday 18 January at 10am and will be open Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 10am to 4pm until further notice.