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Newquay's station history


Two Silver Medals have been awarded the last in 1918.


Silver Medal awarded to Thomas Tegg, Master of the sloop Caroline for rescuing the crew of the schooner Comet which was embayed between Towan Head and Pentire Head, on the coast of Cornwall, during a north north westerly gale on 26 February 1852.


Silver Medal awarded to Seaman Charles Pearce for a service on 20 December 1854 to the schooner New Jane that was wrecked on rocks near Newquay.  Mr Pearce climbed over rocks and helped the crew to escape over the bowsprit.  


Silver Medal awarded to Chief boatman, HM Coastguard William Henry Tregidgo for a service on 26 October 1859 when using two teams of his men in the Coastguard he rescued 11 men from the schooner Union and the lugger Anais both of which were wrecked in a gale.


Lifeboat capsized on exercise without loss of life.


Slipway at Towan Head completed.


Lifeboat house constructed at Towan Head at a cost of over £700. Adaptation of slipway £200.


On 6 March when returning from exercise the lifeboat was capsized twice, all the crew, including the district inspector was thrown into the sea, and on the second occasion all regained the boat except Harry Storey who died from shock. The Committee of Management voted £205 to local funds.


The sum of £32 paid as compensation for injury to horse.


Silver Medal awarded to Coxswain James Gill and Bronze Medal to Second Coxswain R J Trebilcock for the service on 17 December 1917 to ss Osten of Denmark seen drafting in a furious north easterly gale, but before she gathered speed she was struck by heavy sea and thrown on her beam ends. She righted at once but was dashed on the rocks and smashed to pieces. The crew managed to get a rope on shore and with assistance reached the land in exhausted condition but without loss of life. Five men were severely injured. The steamer was brought to safety later.


Station closed.


Station re-opened temporarily as a wartime measure; finally closed 1945.


Inshore lifeboat station established with the placing on service of a D class lifeboat in June.


Announced in June that the Newquay inshore lifeboat is to be equipped with a VHF radio telephone set.


The Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum accorded to crew member Norman Bailey in recognition of his courage when on 1 May in a confused and dangerous sea and without regard for his own safety, he swam 60 yards from the ILB to Horse Rocks to encourage and re-assure 11 people who were stranded, until they were rescued.


D class lifeboat withdrawn and replaced by a C class on 14 December.


A Framed Letter of Thanks signed by the Duke of Atholl, Chairman of the Institution addressed to Helmsman D Snell and crew members W Martin, C Pearce and P Rockall in recognition of their skill in the lifeboat when on 30 November they carried out the rescue of a sea angler who had been washed off rocks on the western end of Fistral Beach and administering first aid under very difficult conditions.

A Vellum was awarded to commemorate the stations aggregate service of 100 years.


Old Seaman's mission demolished and a joint RNLI boathouse/ Seaman's Mission was constructed.

The new boathouse provides housing for both the D and Atlantic 21 class lifeboats as well as improved crew facilities. D class lifeboat was placed on all-year-round service at Newquay on 12 December.


A relief Atlantic 21 lifeboat was placed on temporary station duty on 15 February. The C class lifeboat was withdrawn.

Atlantic 21 lifeboat withdrawn and replaced by an Atlantic 75 class lifeboat B715 which was placed on service on 13 September.


A Framed Letter of Thanks signed by the Chairman of the Institution, was awarded to crew member Kevin Gee in recognition of the service in the D class lifeboat to three people cut off by tide in the vicinity of Bedruthen Steps, nine metres up a cliff in a cove. In all, eight runs were made before all the casualties were recovered from the cove. The service took place in south westerly Force 3-4 wind and moderate sea state on 30 July.

New D class lifeboat D497 placed on service on 11 April.


The Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum accorded to crew members of the D class lifeboat Jeremy Griffiths, Gareth Horner, Martin Snell in recognition of the service on 26 March when three people were cut off by tide. This service was conducted in very difficult conditions with a fine display of teamwork between lifeboat, coastguard and helicopter.


The Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum accorded to Helmsman Wayne Martin and framed Chairman's letters presented to crew members. Laurence Pascoe, Jeremy Griffiths and tractor driver Philip Trebilcock for the rescue of two wind-surfers in severe weather conditions on 22 July.


A Framed Letter of Thanks signed by the Chairman of the Institution, Admiral Sir Jock Slater was awarded to Helmsman Kevin Gee in recognition of his initiative, judgment and first class seamanship when a surfer’s life was saved on the afternoon of 18 April 2005.  The service was conducted in force 7 winds and large waves. 

The new class of lifeboat IB1, D636 Valerie Wilson was placed on service on Thursday 17 February.  D497 has been withdrawn.


The new Atlantic 85 class lifeboat B821 The Gladys Mildred was placed on service on 29 October. This lifeboat was generously funded by Gladys Mildred Hay. Lifeboat B715 has been withdrawn


The Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum was accorded to Helmsman Mark Morris and crew member Aaron Trebilcock for the rescue of two men, who had been jogging, by the tide on 27 January 2010. The hypothermic and exhausted men were saved in heavy surf from a rocky shore. Crew member Richard Martin received a framed Chairman’s letter for his contribution to the service.  Also Helmsman Morris received the Emile Robin award from the Shipwrecked Mariners and Fishermen’s Royal Benevolent Society for this service and Aaron Trebilcock received a special commendation from the Society.


The new station D-class lifeboat D-773 Enid Mary was placed on service 5 November 2014. This lifeboat was funded by the generous bequest of Mrs Enid Mary May. Lifeboat D636 Valerie Wilson has been withdrawn.