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Station history 


Four Silver medals have been awarded, the last being voted in 1876.

For over 60 years the coxswainship was held by members of the Moody family, and of the four silver medals awarded by the Institution, the last of which was awarded in 1876, three have been awarded to this family.  These were awarded to Coxswain Samuel Moody in 1851 and again in 1854, and to a Samuel Moody in 1876.


Coxswain Matthew Grunnill and Second Coxswain Montague Grunnill were presented with silver medals by the King of Norway for the rescue of the crew of eight of the Norwegian brig Azha which grounded on a sandbank in a gale in 1912.  The crew were also sent £20.


The Skegness lifeboat station was established in 1825, the year after the Institution itself was founded and two years before the Lincolnshire Coast Shipwreck Association, which maintained the stations on the Lincolnshire coast until 1864, when it was amalgamated with the Institution.  From 1825 until 1864 lifeboats launched on 50 occasions and saved 61 lives.


Silver Medal awarded to Coxswain Samuel Moody for service over 21 years, saving 53 lives.


Silver Second-Service Clasp awarded to Coxswain Samuel Moody for saving 11 from the brig Atalanta of Shields that went aground, in intense darkness, three miles north of Skegness in a northerly gale on 18 October.


Helper Matthew Hildred (17) run over by carriage and killed during an exercise launch on 28 April of the new lifeboat Herbert Ingram.


Mortar supplied for assembling the crew.


Silver Medals awarded to crew members Samuel Moody (a namesake of the former coxswain) and George Chesnutt for saving the master of the barge Star that was driven ashore in a fresh easterly gale and snow on 5 December 1875.  Reaching the barge at 0620 two crew were taken off but the Master fell between the two vessels.  Mr Moody and Mr Chesnutt jumped in the icy water after him and hanging on to the lifeboat’s life-lines held on to him while the boat was rowed to the shore.


Lifeboat house rebuilt on same site at a cost of £640.


Horse launching poles supplied to station.


The six horseman supplied with oilskins.

Skegness UDC asked to be allowed to keep their fire escape in the space between the lifeboat house and boundary walls.


Lifeboat searched for several hours for an Admiralty seaplane that had crashed.


Centenary Vellum awarded to station.


Tractor sent to station.


Barometer awarded to Coxswain Perrin in connection with shore boat case.


Coxswain W Perrin awarded the Silver Medal of the National Defence League for attempting to rescue a dog that had fallen through the ice.


D class lifeboat sent to the station in May.


A celebration 150th Anniversary Vellum presented to station.


New boathouse was built to accommodate the new Mersey class lifeboat ON1166 Lincolnshire Poacher.  It was constructed on an alternative site after the old boathouse was considered insufficient in size for the new boat.

As well as providing housing for the Mersey and launching tractor, it provides housing for the station's D Class lifeboat, a workshop, an office, a souvenir sales outlet, and improved crew facilities.


New D class lifeboat D460 was placed on service on 3 June.


The Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum was accorded to Coxswain Paul Martin for the service on 11 April to the yacht Sea Fever, a disabled yacht east of the Scott Patch Buoy.  The lifeboat Lincolnshire Poacher was launched into gale Force 8 winds, heavy wintry showers and a very rough sea.  Coxswain Martin decided to place lifeboat crew members aboard to assess the condition of the casualty and bring the yacht under control.  The vessel was rolling violently making boarding extremely difficult.  After five attempts, the lifeboat was close enough for crewman David Sellers to jump into the cockpit.  The occupant was found to be suffering from exhaustion and seasickness but otherwise uninjured.  The engine was disengaged and the crew were able to secure a tow line and head for Grimsby, the safest option in the prevailing weather conditions.


A Framed Letter of Thanks signed by the Chairman of the Institution, Mr Peter Nicholson presented to Coxswain John Irving for the saving of the yacht Wing and her lone yachtsman on 5 May 2002, which was aground on the Long Sands in the Parlour Channel.  The service was conducted in shoal water, cross tides and force six winds.

New D Class lifeboat D573 Leicester Fox II was placed on service.  Lifeboat D460 has been withdrawn to the Relief fleet.


For services connected the Institution, for voluntary service to maritime safety Joel Grunnill, Chairman, Lifeboat Management Group was honoured by Her Majesty The Queen in the recent Birthday Honours; Member, Order of the British Empire (MBE).


New D class lifeboat D739 Peterborough Beer Festival IV was placed on service on 2 September.  This lifeboat was Funded by RNLI Peterborough branch, mainly through collections annual CAMRA Peterborough Beer Festival.  Lifeboat D538 Tom Broom was withdrawn.