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Trearddur Bay's Station history


A D Class lifeboat sent to station in May.


Bronze Medals awarded to Helmsman John G C Burns and crew member Edmund M O Williams for the rescue of two people clinging to a capsized dinghy near Cod Rocks in bad sea conditions and a south-south-westerly wind on 2 September.


A new boathouse constructed.  It includes changing room, workshop, souvenir sales outlet, toilet, fuel store, a crew room, galley and storeroom.


A D class lifeboat withdrawn on 15 May and replaced by an Atlantic 21 B class lifeboat - Temporary station boat.

New Atlantic 75 B class lifeboat B-731 placed on service on 5 December.


A Framed Letter of Thanks signed by the Chairman of the Institution, Mr David Acland, presented to Helmsman Alan Hughes for his actions during a service on the evening of 27 October.  Despite gale force winds and heavy seas a search was made for a child who had fallen into the sea at Rhoscolyn.  Helmsman Hughes operated the inshore lifeboat at the very limits of its operational capabilities in the sea conditions and only withdrew when he could do no more, other then risk his crew.


The Royal Humane Society Testimonial Vellum and Resuscitation Certificate awarded to the Station Honorary Secretary Mr Jack Abbott MBE for swimming out, rescuing, and resuscitating a man he observed floating face down in the sea on 24 May 2001.

At the Executive Committee meeting held on 28 November it was resolved that a D class inshore lifeboat be co-located at Trearddur Bay with immediate effect.


The Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum accorded to Helmsman Christopher Pritchard for the rescue of three people from a capsized speedboat on 8 September 2001.  The service was carried out in appalling sea conditions with visibility reduced by flying spray.  A police helicopter spotted the people in the water and provided a reference for the lifeboat to head towards.  All three casualties were suffering badly from hypothermia and were helpless.  The lifeboat crew had to bodily lift them into the lifeboat, and then transferred them to the Holyhead all weather lifeboat.  The Walter and Elizabeth Groombridge Award for 2001 was awarded to Helmsman Christopher Pritchard for this service.


The new station IB1 lifeboat D-614 Flo & Dick Smith was placed on service on 16 January.  This lifeboat was funded by a generous gift from Mrs F M Smith.  Lifeboat D-440 withdrawn to the Relief Fleet.


A Framed Letter of Thanks signed by the Chairman of the Institution, Admiral Sir Jock Slater presented to Helmsman Terry Penlebury in recognition of his seamanship, determination and leadership when the lifeboat saved the lives of two divers at Ravens Point.  They had been washed into a steep rocky gully and the lifeboat had to be taken into the gully in two metre high waves to affect the rescue.


An Atlantic 85 B class lifeboat B-847 Hereford Endeavour was placed on service at Trearddur Bay on 10 November 2010. Lifeboat B-731 has been withdrawn.


The new station D Class lifeboat D-753 Clive and Imelda was placed on service 15 August 2012.  The lifeboat was funded by a generous donation from Mrs Imelda Rawlins in memory of Clive Rawlins.  Lifeboat D-614 Flo & Dick Smith has been withdrawn.


The RNLI awards a silver medal for gallantry to helm Lee Duncan and bronze medals to Dafydd Griffiths, Leigh McCann and Mike Doran for their courage and skill rescuing a surfer on May 20th 2021. The award of a silver medal to an Atlantic 85 crew member was the first in RNLI history.
The Atlantic 85 lifeboat was at its operational limits in a force 9 gale. The rescuers reached the exhausted surfer when she was just 10 meters from Cod Rocks. The storm threated to dash her against the jagged rock face. With great skill and precision timing, the boat was brought close enough to recover the casualty.
The entire team at Trearddur Bay were recognised with a Chief Executives Commendation. Paul Moffett the stations Lifeboat Operations Manager was awarded a Chief Executives Letter of Commendation in recognition for his decision making and shore side coordination. Mark Smith, the tractor driver received a Letter of Commendation from the Director of Operations.

Medical Director Commendations were awarded to Lee Duncan, Steve Williams, Tomm Moffett, Mathew Hannaby and Mike Doran for their exceptional delivery of care during an incident on 11th September 2021.
The lifeboat was called to a local event where a participant had fallen approximately 20 meters down the cliff face. On arrival, it was obvious that the only access was though a gully that was too rocky and narrow for the SAR units requiring the crew to swim to shore. Aided by an event official who had kayaked in the crew assessed the critically injured casualty. Due to there not being a helicopter with a winch available immediately the crew stabilised the casualty over a period of several hours until a helicopter could be brought in from Ireland.