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Wicklow's station history


Silver Medal to Lieut T D J Dabine RN for the rescue by means of lines of four of the crew of the schooner Jane which was wrecked at Wicklow on 31 January 1831.


Silver Medal to Mr Owen Jones, Chief Officer of Coastguard, for saving six men from the wreck of the brig Le Nouveau Destin on 27 November 1838.


Lifeboat house built at a cost of £100 near the Packet Pier for a 30ft rowing lifeboat Dauntless.


New lifeboat house built at a cost of £335 was built on the north side of the river as the previous site had been washed away.


Robert Theophilus Garden (ON116), costing £275, began service.


Chain traces and harness supplied.


Harbour Commissioners granted Institution site for new lifeboat house.


Cost of erecting new lifeboat house and slipway £654 which was built on the south quay.


Robert Theophilus Garden (ON178) began service, costing £710.


The master of a coaster and 15 other men forcibly took possession of the lifeboat and went to the assistance of a fishing boat which was in distress in the bay and rescued her crew. The coxswain meanwhile was seeking the Honorary Secretary to obtain instructions as to launching the lifeboat. The DI, after an enquiry, found that the launch was justified.


Robert Theophilus Garden (ON422) began service, costing £805.


Acetylene beach light supplied.


Boathouse was adapted and the stations first Motor lifeboat Robert Theophilus Garden (ON609) sent to station. This was the first motor lifeboat to be sent to Ireland.


One of the most dangerous services at Wicklow was when the lifeboat launched to the SS Lynburn on 29 August. Three of the crew were marooned on the hastily improvised raft in the very centre of a minefield and in a mass of drifting wood that had constituted the cargo of this steamer. The men were rescued.


Lady Kylsant (ON721) began service, costing £5,865.


Bronze Medal awarded to coxswain Edward Kavanagh in recognition of his courage and fine seamanship when the lifeboat under his command rescued the crew of 11 of the motor vessel Cameo of Glasgow, which was totally wrecked in a strong westerly wind with a very rough sea and intense darkness in the early hours of the morning of 13 September 1950.


The new lifeboat J.W.Archer (ON933) was named by Mrs O’Kelly, wife of the President of Ireland.


Centenary Vellum awarded.


Boathouse adapted and slipway extended for the station's new Tyne class lifeboat. The adaptation's to the boathouse included the removal of the first floor area and the existing doors, the demolition of the gable wall and lean - to extension to the front; a new two-storey extension on the side constructed to accommodate improved crew facilities; new doors were installed and additional extensions were constructed for the refurbished winch and a souvenir sales outlet.

The slipway was extended by 24 metres.

The new station Tyne class lifeboat Annie Blaker (ON1153) was placed on station 8 October 1989. This lifeboat was funded by the generous bequest of Annie Lydia Blaker together with other funds. The Watson class lifeboat has been withdrawn.


D class lifeboat D-432 Ordnance Survey Bosun placed on temporary station duty as of 26 June on a summer only basis, for operational evaluation. 

Committee of Management meeting held on 22 November resolved that a summer-only D class lifeboat be established at Wicklow.


New D class lifeboat D-518 Inbhear Deas placed on service on 23 May.

New boathouse extension providing housing for D class lifeboat was completed in March.


The Trustees of the RNLI at their meeting on 22 November 2006 voted that the station be awarded a Vellum to mark the 150th anniversary on 2007.


The new class of lifeboat IB1, D-671 Sheringham Shanty Men was placed on service on Wednesday 21 February 2007. This lifeboat was funded by money raised at concerts given by the Sheringham Shantymen. Lifeboat D-518 has been withdrawn.

The station was established at the request of the local inhabitants. The first lifeboat was a 30ft rowing boat.