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Youghal's station history


Six medals have been awarded, one Gold, four Silver and one Bronze, the last being voted in 1963.

A lifeboat was built for the Harbour Trustees in 1839 by Taylor of Limehouse the cost of £76 being met by local subscription. In 1856 an Inspector found the lifeboat in a yard, and in a neglected state. The Institution took over the station in 1857. A Boydell's self acting endless railway was provided for carrying the boat along the soft beach of the locality.


Silver Medal awarded to Lieut Morrison RN for the rescue, by using lines, of the crew of five from the sloop Mermaid that was wrecked in Whiting Bay while bound from Newport to Cork in February.


Silver Medal awarded to Mr Charles Edington, Chief Officer of Coastguard for the rescue of the crew of five of the Schooner Ann and Elizabeth that was wrecked off Youghal while bound from Newport to Youghal on 25 November 1835.


Gold Medal awarded to Lieut R R Metherell RN, who was in command of the Youghal lifeboat when she rescued the crew of four from the Brig Medora that was wrecked in Ardmore Bay while bound for Swansea on 23 February.


A lifeboat house constructed at a cost of £100.


New lifeboat William Beckett of Leeds built at a cost of £250.


Helper M O'Brien was crushed to death between the carriage and the door post of the lifeboat house when the lifeboat was called on service on 30 December. The sum of £10 was granted to the widow of Mr O'Brien.


A new lifeboat house constructed at a cost of £275.


Tower Commissioners paid £20 for old lifeboat house.


Mary Luckome (ON102) built at a cost of 335.


Silver Medal awarded to Mr J H Long, Honorary Secretary of the Youghal branch for his gallant conduct in saving a young man from drowning on the foundering of the yacht Seagull on 5 September. On learning that the man was unable to swim, Mr Long swam out to him and incurred imminent risk of losing his own life as the young man was struggling furiously and clutched him by the neck. Ultimately they were both picked up by another yacht.


Gas service laid on and a flagstaff supplied.


Silver Medal awarded to the coxswain, Michael Hannagan, and double pay to him and each of the lifeboat crew when the lifeboat rescued three of the crew of the schooner Annetta of Dungarvan which ran ashore opposite the railway station on 17 December 1905 in a strong south-south-easterly gale, with a very heavy sea, while bound for Youghal with a cargo of coal. Two of the crew of the Annetta, the Master and one hand, had been lost while the other three crewmen were in the rigging, exhausted. Coxswain Hannagan took the lifeboat over the wreck atop of the seas breaking over her and plucked the three men, in turn, to safety. Marianne L.Hay (ON 564) built at a cost of £839


A member of crew was washed out on service but was fortunately recovered.


Laurana Sarah Blunt (ON744) was built, costing £3812. Youghals’ first motor lifeboat.


A Centenary Vellum awarded to station.


Herbert John (ON825), built 13 years earlier, arrived in Youghal. 


Bronze Medal awarded to the coxswain, Richard Hickey, for rescuing four people from the French trawler Tee des Ondes that went ashore in Ardmore Bay in a strong south easterly wind with a rough sea on 27 October.


J.B Cooper of Glasgow (ON872) built 17 years previously, arrived at Youghal.


Comhairle Na Mire Gaile Certificate awarded to Motor Mechanic John Murphy, for rescuing a child who had fallen off the quay on 12 July.


Comhairle Na Mire Gaile Certificate awarded to Bowman Michael Hennessy, for rescuing a child who had fallen off the quay in the spring of 1969.


Grace Darling (ON927) on station.


An Atlantic 21 lifeboat sent to station.


All weather lifeboat withdrawn. Marjory Turner (B-561) Atlantic 21 lifeboat arrived.


A 150th Anniversary Vellum awarded.


In 1995, trials were carried out with a tractor and Do-Do rig and these trials revealed that a tractor method of launching the lifeboat was possible at this station. Proposals were therefore drawn-up for alterations to the boathouse, plus the removal of the present slipway rails, to allow a tractor to be housed in the boathouse and to enable the lifeboat to be launched and recovered satisfactorily, this was completed in October.


A new B class boathouse completed in September at a cost of £463,001.

New station Atlantic 75 B-780 Patricia Jennings was placed on service 3 September 2002. The lifeboat was funded by the legacy from the late Mrs P M Jennings.