Decision making
Watch the videos to decide what to do when faced with different dilemmas near the water.
60 minutes
Stop and think
RNLI engagement and awareness
Required: display equipment
Required: printer
Decision Making – Red Flags
Watch the short film to learn what to do to keep you and others safe by choosing the right place to swim.
Time: 30–60 mins | Format: Classroom activity | Maximum participation: 35. Stop and Think
This session requires students to identify unsafe responses in a range of short ‘point-of-view’ films.
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The films reflect a range of different waterside scenarios (beach and inland) and each has a suggested pause point to stop the film and discuss what happens next.
Decision Making – Swimming in open water
Watch the film to help you make safe decisions when deciding whether to enter the water or not.
Time: 30–60 mins | Format: Classroom activity | Maximum participation: 35. Stop and think
This session requires students to identify unsafe responses in a range of short ‘point-of-view’ films.
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The films reflect a range of different waterside scenarios (beach and inland) and each has a suggested pause point to stop the film and discuss what happens next.
Decision Making – Tombstoning
Watch the film to help identify the dangers of jumping from height into Water.
Time: 30–60 mins | Format: Classroom activity | Maximum participation: 35. Stop and think
This session requires students to identify unsafe responses in a range of short ‘point-of-view’ films.
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This activity can be completed in small groups or pairs it helps to remember that waters is always moving (tides,currents), the water is colder than you think (cold water shock), the edge can be dangerous and that there might be dangers under the water.
What to do next