Minehead Lifeboat Station
Looking out over the broad expanse of the Bristol Channel, Minehead Lifeboat Station has operated from the same boathouse for over 100 years. Today's station has two inshore lifeboats - a B class Atlantic 85 and a D class.

Latest lifeboat launch
Visitor information and facilities
Station address
Minehead Lifeboat Station
Quay West
TA24 5UN
Station phone number
Disabled access
Visiting times
Visitors may view boathouse when shop is open. Crew training Sunday mornings 9:30am (except first Sunday of the month), also first and third Thursday evenings at 7pm.
Visitor contact
Eric Atkins (for school and organised visits)
Visitor contact phone number
Shop hours
Mid March-October
Daily 10.30am-4.30pm
Saturday and Sunday
11am - 3pm
26 December to early Jan
Daily 11am-3pm
Two weeks of February Half Term Holidays
Daily 11am-3pm